Where MEN come TOGETHER to Master their MINDS, MONEY, and DATING LIVES

Watch all Chases Courses on Dating, Reality Creation, And Mindset Programming

Bonuses only accessible to first 150 members

STATUS: 105/150 spots filled


The Curriculum



Trainings I Designed To Master Your Mindset.

  • Subconscious Explained

  • How To Reprogram Your Mind

  • Discipline & Motivation

  • Overcome Addictions & Bad Habits

  • How To Develop Lasting Confidence

  • Neuro-Linguistic

  • Many more to come, new videos every week



My Playbook Of Modern Dating & How To Navigate It.

  • Biological Attraction

  • How To Read Your Partner

  • How To Escalate Attraction

  • Dark Side To Human Nature & Seduction

  • The Female Mind & Her Nature Explained

  • How To Have Charisma, Confidence, Loyalty, & Respect

  • Many more to come, new videos every week



The Structures I Use To Alter My Reality With Quantum Physics.

  • Laws Of The Universe

  • Meditation & Visualization

  • Understanding The Shadow

  • How To Control Your Thoughts & Emotions

  • Building Blocks of Nature: How Atoms Are Influenced

  • How To Use Alchemy To Attract Money & Relationships

  • Many more to come, new videos every week

Each pillar will give you success in the others. They all correlate.



A man or woman, rich or poor, we all seek love, sex, and companionship. In this course we will be breaking down sexual and relationship dynamics so you can navigate the modern dating scene without limitation and pain. If you understand how loyalty, love, and attraction forms, you can bring it out of everyone you come across.


The work of the best psychologists to ever live while mixing it with biology & science. This will allow you to view the mind and body from an objective standpoint. The mind operates just like a computer and once understood that you can effectively de-program & re-program it to do whatever you desire. Success, happiness, confidence, charisma, discipline are all programs that can be installed in the brain.




The work of the best psychologists to ever live while mixing it with biology & science. This will allow you to view the mind and body from an objective standpoint. The mind operates just like a computer and once understood that you can effectively de-program & re-program it to do whatever you desire. Success, happiness, confidence, charisma, discipline are all programs that can be installed in the brain.



How Quantum Physics proves that consciousness and matter are intertwined. Growing up I, could never believe in anything unless I saw factual evidence. In this course will we break down manifestation & consciousness without all the woo woo or fluff, and use Quantum Physics to explain how our thoughts influence physical matter and the world around us.



How Quantum Physics proves that consciousness and matter are intertwined. Growing up I, could never believe in anything unless I saw factual evidence. In this course will we break down manifestation & consciousness without all the woo woo or fluff, and use Quantum Physics to explain how our thoughts influence physical matter and the world around us.

These Systems Were The Keys To My Success: Developing Charisma To Succeed With Women, The Know How To Build A Personal Brand Of Over 100k Followers, And Ability To Manifest The Reality I Desire

Bonus: My Original Dating Course Included

Module 1


Dive deep into her primal state of being. We explore the programs that are embedded inside her DNA. This will be the foundation of understanding women's way of thinking.

Module 2

Shit Tests

She will test your psyche as you navigate through her mental maze. Learn the different types of shit tests & how to respond to them.

Module 3

Female Attraction

Attraction begins in the mind. You must think like her if you desire to attract her. Get answers on why attraction is all mental for her.

Module 4


Spot her red flags quickly. Read into her past so you know what you're getting yourself into.

Module 5


Her mind goes deeper & darker than you think. We explore the dark sides of the divine feminine.


Other Modules...

It doesn't end here, more modules go deep into female psychology & tips n tricks to use during dates.

Here's What You Get Inside Of Exodus:


The Exodus Programs

Inside of these 3 pillars, Chase will teach you How To Program Your Mind For Success, The Secrets of Manifestation, and Relationship Dynamics. Learn how to analyze your psyche and the world around you, so you can understand that what goes on in your head, reflects in reality. Even if you have a solid mindset, things go by unnoticed and Chase will walk you through it. Get access to his Original Dating Course as well.


Live Calls

Get access to weekly LIVE calls starting August 6th. These calls will address all your questions and challenges. Take advantage of these calls to receive live, tailored coaching from Chase.



You also get access to the Exodus community of polymaths. A mastermind where you can network with others and act as a collective. Chase and his coaches will join in, commenting on your posts, offering solutions, and guiding you toward your goals.


Constant Program Releases

Exodus is designed for continuous improvement. We're dedicated to adding new videos and lectures every week, providing you with the latest knowledge to accelerate your journey.

You want the information and skillsets to tackle all the hard problems in your life,

But you don't have enough time or the right resources.

This is why you need teammates:

  • You’ve taken tons of action...

    BUT have realized that without a new mental model, your results will stay the same because you’re attacking the problems from the wrong angles.

  • You’ve read books and watched videos...

    BUT the ideas and concepts are not sticking with you and you feel the need to talk with people who can explain it deeper and make it make more sense.

  • You’ve had periods of figuring it out and life starts to work in your favor...

    BUT after a while you have a falling-off period where you sink back to your old ways.

  • You know that you are worthy of healthy relationships, money, and a strong mind...

    BUT the modern world is designed to hold you back and you've become so accustomed to it that you can't escape the programming.

Here's a bold question for you:

What if you could get a grip on your mental battles

And use your mental energy to accelerate your life,

Instead of wasting mental energy to get out of ruts?

What if you were in a mastermind of high-level friends to help you...

Keep reading and I’ll explain how you can do this.

Here’s a bold question for you:

What if you could get a grip on your mental battles

And use your mental energy to accelerate your life,

Instead of wasting mental energy to get out of ruts?

What if you were in a mastermind of high-level friends to help you...

Keep reading and I’ll explain how you can do this.

With my understanding of alchemy along with my background in psychology...

I've acquired an audience of over 100K people.

While also gaining recognition from those who are well respected in the self- development and metaphysical space.


I’ll be honest with you:

Getting to where I am today wasn’t easy.

When I first started studying psychology, applying it to my relationships, and experimenting with manifestation,

I struggled to relate with anyone on these topics.

I was missing a strong group of people who thought like me.

I felt lonely being so far ahead of the curve,

Because all the mainstream information you read and learn about today was considered crazy when I first came across it in 2015.

I was called a conspiracy theorist,

Told I think too deep on things and need to relax,

Called crazy for challenging mainstream beliefs,

That I just needed to get a job and make enough to survive and not worry myself with bigger dreams...

When I tried to talk with normal people about these topics I was just seen as an outcast.

I tried giving them my resources so they could learn on their own.

I tried speaking my mind with friends, but no one could relate with these deeper topics.

I gave up for awhile to be honest.

I started to believe what they were saying...

But then I made my Twitter and started to run my mouth,

Gaining over 2500 followers my first month.

I realized that I felt like an outcast and wasn't having success,

Because I was interacting with the wrong tribe.

Now I speak to you reading this text,

Now I get to create and lead a community of people who think as deeply as I do,

People with dreams as big as mine,

People who want to stack many skills and become a master of their reality.

So I created this community, for the polymaths and the thinkers.

Now, I get be face-to-face in the trenches breaking down life's questions and succeeding with those who resonate with me.

I'd say you're probably like me,

And you see life as more fun when you're learning and winning with your friends.

It's boring at the top, alone.

Life and knowledge has no value if you can't share it with those you love.

If you're someone who agrees with this...

Then you'd be a great addition to Team Exodus.

I intend to share everything I know.

If you look at my twitter, almost all my posts go viral.

I've mastered moving peoples' minds and emotions.

With this ability, I can do great good or great evil.

I intend to do good and not flex my understanding to the world,

But to share it.

Because if it weren't for my mentors, none of this would be possible.

What they taught me, I plan to teach you.

This means you will become a polymath: someone who has a wide range of knowledge & skills.

We will master all the elements of the mind and physical plane together.

Earth, Wind, Water, & Fire

All while blending these elements to achieve exponential personal growth financially and spiritually.

This is how we will change each others lives, by sharing everything we know and operating as one.

Here's What People Are Saying...

How Do You Know If This Is For You?

The fact is, if you're not willing to invest time, money, and effort into yourself this is not for you! 

If you are looking to make a lot of money without having to work, make friends without having to talk, or change your circumstances without taking action, this is not for you!

If you're not coachable, this is not for you!

If you are a whiner, complainer or blamer, this is not for you and never will be!

If you don't see the value in working with others, this is not for you. The lone wolf will never outperform the pack!

Who This Mastermind Is For...

If you already have skills and knowledge and want a way to take your skills to the next level, then this is definitely right up your ally!

If you have little to no experience or skills and are struggling to find a direction in life, then this is also for you!

If you just got out of a bad breakup and want to reclaim power over your mind and life, this is for you!

If you are already in a relationship and you are looking to improve it, then this is exactly what you have been looking for! 

If you don't have a team, network, or friends on the same mission as you working together to reach success faster, then this is for you! 

If you are someone who just needs a little help becoming more confident and better at speaking, this is for you! 

If you are ready to break free of the loop you've been stuck in and create the life you know you deserve all while doing it along side those who will turn into life long friends and even potential business partners, then this if for you! 


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Exodus?

Exodus is a monthly subscription community that gives you access to multiple programs on subjects like self-development, mindset, manifestation, and relationships.

Who is Exodus for?

Those who understand the value of a strong mastermind with high-level people. Those who are ready to make pivotal changes in every area of their life. Those who are action-takers with curiosity towards life's biggest questions and want answers.

Will there be live coaching calls?

Yes, joining today will give you access to all of Chase's live call coaching calls.

What if I miss the live calls?

We try to make the times of live calls accommodate to everyone's time zones. Recordings of the live calls will also be available for you to watch if you missed them.

Will my monthly price increase over time?

If you join now, you get grandfathered in at $44 per month for life. If you were to miss the Founding Father's pricing that ends on August 6th, the price goes up to $98 per month.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Yes, you will have access to Exodus until you're next billing date. Then you will be removed from the group.

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